BBC: World News & Stories App Reviews

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Once upon a time this used to be a fantastic app. Then, they decided to improve it. Now it crashes, reloads constantly (as in, to the point of being unusable). Lastly, it seems that BBC has gotten rid of all of their editors and proof-readers. The writing is horrible and the errors are plenty.

Global coverage so important in this day

Have enjoyed listening to the BBC on our local public radio for years. I installed this app within a week of getting my first iPad, a generation one. Have it on my current iPad & phone as well.

News That Surprises

We are curious creatures. We live to be surprised by the different. BBC keeps me entertained in a mature fashion. Not resorting to over hype or over kill.

Great news app

I like the news in pictures and the customize feature.


Perfect coverage of world events

Insight-not sensationalism

Straight reporting without the editorialization and sensationalism which seems so prevalent today. The in-depth sections offer insight and context from some of todays most professional journalists. BBC News has long been a trusted news source and it is clear that maintaining that trust remains a major priority for "The Beeb"

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